Through comprehensive civic engagement, VAYLA encourages our multi-generational community members to not only vote, but to participate in all civic areas by learning the tools necessary to lead and organize for social change. Our goal is to bring awareness and visibility to the AAPI community in the Greater New Orleans Area through digital media, phone-banking and partnering with local community partners to provide in-language civic engagement resources. We explore conversations of identity, racial and ethnic solidarity, and how these issues can be exacerbated and potentially resolved through civic participation and civic education. Our program initiatives are rooted in our commitment to fortifying our AAPI communities through comprehensive civic engagement.

Local Elections & Voter Education

Register to vote in our upcoming elections by visiting and create your voting plan!

December 7, 2024 Orleans Parish General Election 

November 22-30, 2024 (excluding Sun 11/24, Thurs 11/28, and Fri 11/29) 8:30AM–6PM Early voting period

December 3, 2024 by 4:30PM Deadline to request mail-in ballot

December 6, 2024 by 4:30PM Deadline for receipt of mail-in ballot

December 7, 2024 7AM–8PM ELECTION DAY

Civics Breakdown

Through this series we want to make commonly used but confusing terms more accessible to our community. Exercising our right to vote is just as powerful as educating our communities on what this all means.

Other is Not My Identity Petition

VAYLA has launched a petition for inclusion.

The language of “other” is a microcosm of the hierarchical narrative of white supremacy that reigns in our country and leaves communities more susceptible to the dehumanization and violence that disenfranchisement creates.

When it comes to data collection and dissemination, Louisiana does not celebrate or acknowledge our diversity. Data is only broken down into three categories: White, Black, and Other, erasing the countless contributions of non-Black/non-White communities, as well as the needs of each of those communities.

Sign and share the petition at
View our full press release.

Campaign for AAPI Data Inclusion #OINMI

Additional Resources

Community Space Interests Survey


For Program Updates

For program updates or questions, please reach us at
