We are thrilled to share our new podcast: “Blossoming and Becoming: AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience”!

Join us for eight episodes featuring university students sharing their experiences as AAPI individuals. They’ll discuss the challenges of transitioning into college, strategies for overcoming obstacles, and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. As we release episodes, we will share related resources below. Be sure to check back for new updates!

Tune in to hear their stories here, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 1 “Navigating the PWI”

Blossoming and Becoming
AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode #1 "Navigating the PWI"
What were some things you did not expect when navigating a white space in an educational setting?
In Episode 1, “Navigating the PWI,” we’ll introduce our speakers and discuss the challenges of navigating predominantly white spaces in higher education. Check out the first episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 2 “Reproductive Health and Justice Within a Campus Setting”

Blossoming and Becoming AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience Episode #2 “Reproductive Health and Justice Within a Campus Setting” How does having an intersecting identity of being Asian American hinder or help with receiving sex education?
In Episode 2, “Reproductive Health and Justice Within a Campus Setting,” we tackle issues of sexual health and taboos within the AAPI community. Check out the second episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 3 “Asians are not a Monolith”

Blossoming and Becoming
AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode #3 "Asians are Not a Monolith" 
"What biases and stereotypes do you know or have heard of? Have you heard them used or portrayed on campus?"
In Episode 3, “Asians are not a Monolith,” we discuss ways we can combat stereotypes—whether by challenging our own beliefs, engaging with our peers, or addressing these issues within our families and communities. Check out the third episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 4 “Pretending Among Us”

Blossoming and Becoming
AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode #4 "Pretending Among Us" 
What was your experience with imposter syndrome? How do you feel about your position within systems that were historically not created for you?
In Episode 4, our speakers delve into the complex interplay between the ever-present Imposter Syndrome and AAPI identities. They’ll share experiences from their time on campus, discuss valuable lessons learned, and reflect on their roles both within the university and their broader communities. Check out the fourth episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 5 “Fetishization and Dating”

Blossoming and Becoming
AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode #5 "Fetishization and Dating" 
How does consent relate to the social climate of a university student body?
In Episode 5, our speakers discuss the importance of consent within university dating culture. We’ll share personal experiences, including facing fetishization as AAPI individuals and how we’ve navigated these uncomfortable but all-too-common scenarios. We will also explore the topic of interracial dating and its impact within our families and on campus. Check out the fifth episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 6 “Social Life and Substances”

Blossoming and Becoming
AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode #6 Social Life and Substances
How has being in a university environment influenced you?
In Episode 6, our speakers explore the unique social climate of university life, especially how it differs from home. We’ll dive into topics like peer interactions, peer pressure, and party culture, as well as how AAPI students engage with the university system and what could make it a better experience. We’ll also discuss ways to create spaces for ourselves in environments that may not naturally offer them, and share tips on how to carve out a safe and supportive community. Check out the sixth episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 7 “You do not have to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer…….”

Blossoming and Becoming
AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode #7: "You do not have to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer..." 
Your college degree does not have to equal what you will end up doing in life. What do you think about this statement?
In Episode 7, we dive into one of the most persistent stereotypes in AAPI communities: the expectation to be a “doctor, lawyer, or engineer” with “no other option”. We’ll explore how this stereotype affects us from those who follow these paths by choice, to others forging their own path. It’s all about finding and defining your own aspirations, while navigating the complex family dynamics tied to these expectations. Join us as we share our stories of empowerment, reflection, carving out our own paths, and breaking barriers. Check out episode seven on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Episode 8 “Finding and Creating Your Community”

Blossoming and Becoming: AAPI College Transition Podcast Experience
Episode 8 Finding and Creating Your Community
"How did you know you found your people?"
VAYLA New Orleans
In the final episode, we reflect on the stories we’ve shared and the vital role of finding community during the college journey—especially for those of us navigating AAPI identities. We dive into how we found our people, the struggles along the way, and how it takes time, but it’s so worth it. As this podcast experience wraps up, we hope these stories have offered comfort and affirmation. College transitions are challenging for everyone, but we hope our experiences and advice inspire listeners to embrace and love their AAPI identity and continue building community support by sharing your journey with future generations! Check out the final episode on Spotify, and don’t forget to subscribe!
